CONSEQUENCEThis weeks song to be reviewed was pretty difficult to choose. I just recently picked up the recently released Margot and the Nuclear So and So's CD, "not animal", I would have done a review on this CD but i just couldnt decide on which song. I'd suggest taking a listen to their new albums. Below you can listen to "consequence" in the playlist.
The first time I heard this song I almost past it by. I liked the intro but subconsously I was thinking it sounded to much like many of the songs I've listened to before. Just as I was about to skip it and go to a new song the sound became alittle fuller and I became a little more attentive. Then the lyrics came in and the tone was soothing. The words "fail with consequence, lose with eloquence and smile" seamed so apropriate. Regret with the hint of optimism. I broke the phrase down. eloquence is the fluency in which an idividual speaks their language. So In other words, failing as the result of what is said.
What's worse being left paralyzed or hypnotized? Thats like being told, "this is going to be permanent, would you rather know whats going on while being demobilized, or would you rather just be oblivious." id like to think being hypnotized is less painful, but whats worse to lose love, or to never know love? tough question.
My favorite parts of this song are the rythems and melodies, they just feel good. I understand that the lyrics dont always say the word "never" before "leave me paralyzed", and that changes the whole interpretation of the song. I'd encourage anyone who has a different opinion to share it here, I'm interested to hear what others think. Thanks for stopping by.
-Mike Garn
You're the colour,
you're the movement and the spin.
Never could it stay with me the whole day long
Fail with consequence, lose with eloquence
and smile.
I'm not in this movie
I'm not in this song.
Never leave me paralyzed, love.
Leave me hypnotized, love.